Friday, September 6, 2013

The School of the Americas - The School of Murderers.

The School of the Americas (SOA for short) was established in Panama in 1946, and then transladada to Fort Benning, Georgia in 1984. The president of Panama, Jorge Illueca, described SOA as "the biggest base for destabilization in Latin America" and the major international newspapers nicknamed "The School of Murderers". The story supports these allegations.

In February 2001, the School of the Americas, renamed and is now called "Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation" The same building located on the same grounds, keeps the same instructors teaching the same lessons of cruelty, torture and repression. Hundreds of thousands of Latin Americans have been tortured, raped, murdered, disappeared, massacred and forced to take shelter by soldiers and officers trained in this school.

The SOA graduates pursue educators, union organizers, religious workers, student leaders, and the poor and peasants fighting for the rights of the victims. Throughout his fifty-eight years, the SOA has trained over 61,000 Latin American soldiers in combat techniques, commando tactics, military intelligence and torture techniques. These graduates have left a long stretch of blood and suffering in countries where they have returned.

Today, the "new" School of the Americas trains over a thousand of soldiers each year. The story of death surrounding the graduates of the School of the Americas is very long: Hundreds of thousands of disappeared and executed, hundreds of thousands tortured, exiled, and political prisoners left in the past dictatorships. Many tend to think that this story ended since the School of the Americas closed its activities in Panama. Others have been misled to the new name it has today. However, the "murderers industry" is still running. It has been known how before the coup in Argentina in 1976, had graduated from the Army School of the Americas, 600 Argentine soldiers.

School of Assassins


In this place he trained and trained in methods of torture, murder and repression of thousands of repressors of all Latin America. Your activity continues until today:

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